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Kansas City Warrants List

There are numerous ways that you can end up with a warrant for your arrest in Missouri. The most typical situations involve failure to appear in court or failure to pay a fine. Additionally, if you are believed to have committed a crime, a warrant might be issued for your arrest after a circuit court or municipal court judge chooses to pursue charges against you. Once a warrant has been issued in your name, law enforcement can take you into custody at any time.

If you are worried about whether you or a loved one has a warrant, it’s essential that you find out as soon as possible before things spiral out of control. While Kansas City often chooses to alert defendants of their arrest warrants, there are technically no requirements for them to inform you of your warrant, so it’s up to you to get the information you need to act quickly. The best way to find out if you have a warrant is to contact an attorney at the Benjamin Law Firm, LLC, but you can also try to search the Kansas City warrants list. Here’s how.


Search Active Warrants in Kansas City Online

The Missouri state system maintains a statewide public database that you can utilize to search parties, court judgments, and charges in the public court system. The most convenient way to look for arrest warrants in Missouri is to browse this online public record database.

To do so, visit Casenet, click on ‘litigant name search’, and input the person of interest’s last name, then click on the case number and then the tab for docket entries to see any warrants. You can likewise narrow your search by city, county, type of warrant, and alias details.

Additional Kansas City Missouri Warrant Search Options

Another way to search for active warrants in Kansas City online is to use your county’s online warrant search database. This warrants list includes information on the offender’s first and last name, age, and type of offense.

You may also be able to call your local sheriff’s office or police department for active warrant information, but keep in mind that they may not be willing to share that information over the phone. If they refuse to share your active warrant status without you visiting the police department in-person, you must contact an attorney immediately before complying since they can and likely will arrest you if you appear in-person.


Kansas City Warrant Search Limitations

It’s important to keep in mind that some types of cases are not on public record, such as domestic violence offenses and juvenile transgressors, so you will need to consult a lawyer, who can browse these cases in your place. Most criminal defense lawyers in Kansas City have access to particular law enforcement databases that can verify whether there is an active warrant in your name.

For other types of offenses, there is also always a chance that Casenet or your county’s warrants list does not yet have your active warrant listed, so if you think there’s a good chance that you have an active warrant despite not seeing it on the Kansas City warrants list, it’s a good idea to contact our firm. We can verify whether there is an active warrant in your name and guide you through your next steps.


What to Do if You’re on the Kansas City Warrant List

If you find out that you have been issued a warrant in Kansas City, MO, do not ignore it. Unfortunately, it will not go away without taking action. While finding out that you have a warrant can be scary, you must attempt to resolve your warrant as quickly as possible with the help of a trusted criminal defense attorney who has decades of experience helping people in your situation. Your lawyer will have the ability to advise you on the best actions to move forward and obtain the very best result for you and your case.

Kansas City Missouri Warrants

In most cases, choosing to turn yourself in will work in your favor, and your lawyer will guide you through this process. It may be tempting to do this yourself, but initially consulting a lawyer will help you understand what to do and say, particularly when appearing in court. Whether you have a lawyer or not, you will need to describe your behavior in a way that satisfies the court, and your choice to turn yourself in will likely reflect well on you. With adequate legal representation, it is a lot easier to turn yourself in than be caught off guard and be unexpectedly arrested by law enforcement.

If you have a bench warrant, then appearing in front of a judge sooner instead of later will help you get it lifted more quickly. Additionally, if you retain the services of a lawyer before the warrant is issued when you know that one is coming, they may be able to file an entry of appearance on your case and begin negotiating a reduced bond for you.


Contact a Lawyer About Warrants in Kansas City MO

If you have a warrant out against you in the Kansas City area, the Benjamin Law Firm, LLC is here to help. Standing among the top criminal defense firms in Kansas City, we are experienced in all areas of criminal defense and can find any outstanding warrants you may have, help you explore your options, and help you with every step of your case. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule a consultation so we can begin taking immediate action to protect your rights, freedom, future, and reputation.

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