Why officers stop some for impaired driving – MDCLC

Police officers look for specific signs that a driver is under the influence of alcohol, but not all of these occur after the vehicle has been stopped. Sometimes, officers spot things that indicate that a driver might not be able to drive safely, so they will initiate...

Why Hire an Attorney to Fight DWI Charges?

DWIs in Missouri are nothing to take lightly, as a conviction has the potential to impact your personal, professional and financial life in a number of ways.While you’re not required to hire an attorney to fight your charges, there are many reasons to consider...

Learn About DUI & DWI Expungement

Can You Get a DUI or DWI Charge Expunged? Over a million drivers in the U.S. are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics every year. If you’ve been charged with a DUI or DWI, it can be a stressful, scary experience. Being charged with...

Tips for Dealing With an Impaired Driving Stop

When you are pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving in Missouri, you need to start thinking about your defense right away. The best action you can take is speaking with a qualified DWI defense lawyer in your area. There are some specific points that might come...

Affirmative Defenses to DWI Charges – MDCLC

When DWI lawyers in KC Mo and around the country represent motorists accused of driving while intoxicated, they may question the reliability of toxicology evidence or the legality of a traffic stop. However, there are situations where attorneys may mount what is known...

What to Do If You’re Facing DWI Charges – MDCLC

Facing DWI charges can be an extremely challenging time. You might fear the punishment of making a mistake or are potentially unable to pay the fine. Fortunately, there are options, especially for first-time offenders. Speak with an experienced DWI Attorneys in KC Mo...