Should I expunge an old DWI?

Should I expunge an old DWI?

Driving While Intoxicated is a capital offense and other magical thoughts…Ok, driving while intoxicated is not a capital offenseHowever, back in the good old days in the hell-raising 80s when I was pulled over for a DWI, the consequences were nothing, even without a...

Are You Facing a Felony DWI in Missouri?

When you were younger, you got a DWI after drinking at a night out with friends. Now, you’re several years older and know how important it is to drive while sober. Unfortunately, your designated driver had too much to drink themselves, and you believed you were...

Cannabis breath test aims to measure intoxication

As cannabis becomes decriminalized or legalized for recreational or medical use in Missouri and many other states, questions have been raised about driving under the influence of marijuana. Drunk driving charges in Missouri are based on blood alcohol concentration, or...