The 5 dumbest things you can do if you possess marijuana
Weed is not legal in Missouri, yet, for most of us. Some can possess it…
I’ve protested in Kansas City and not been arrested or hurt – but were you arrested or hurt?
Today writing this blog is hard. I have been writing these blog posts for the…
Missouri Sex Offenders
Missouri sex offenders face an incredible stigma that often follows them for the rest of their…
DWI Expungement is Easy in Missouri – If You Have No Problems for 10 Years
Once upon a time back in college, Jimmy was caught drinking and driving in the…
Are your COVID test results private?
The Associated Press reports that thirty-five states are reporting the name, address and identifying information…
Can I Reinstate My License if I have a 10-year Denial after a DWI?
Sometimes people take convictions for DWI charges and they add up. Sometimes they add up…
How does a felony arrest hurt my future? What should I do if I’ve been arrested on a felony?
Find a law firm with a proven track record of fighting and not pleading you…
KCMO 10/10/10 Rule – Is it a violation of my privacy?
Cities and towns across the country are dealing with opening back up after the COVID…
Suspended Imposition of Sentence Missouri
When considering a suspended imposition of sentence Missouri, it is a good idea to discuss…